Friday, September 14, 2018

Week 3: Third Grade Otters

Third grade otters have continued to gain stamina across ALL areas during our first FULL week of school.  In math we explored who we are as mathematical thinkers.  We practiced working in small group rotations, collecting data and becoming familiar with a new platform called, "Zearn."  This week in reading workshop we learned how to, "book shop" and what partner reading looks like.  Writer's workshop continues to be the most focused part of our day.  This week students used the strategy of choosing a special place and thinking of small moment story that happened in their special place when they are stuck on what to write about.  We continue to revisit our essential question around recycling: "How can we, as community members improve our recycling habits and reduce waste at DBS?"  Students were thrilled with the opportunity to begin their online research to think more about this question.

Questions to spark conversation:
-What is stamina and what does it look like in reader's and writer's workshop?
-How can we collect data?
-Describe what you heard and saw in your sit spot?

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